Law Concerning the Hitler Youth of December 1, 1936 Law Concerning the Hitler Youth of December 1, 1936 Source: J. Remak (ed.), The Nazi Years: A Documentary History, (Prentice - Hall, 1969), pp.57-58. It is on youth that the future of the German Nation depends. Hence, it is necessary to prepare the entire German youth for its coming duties. The government therefore has passed the following law, which is being proclaimed herewith: ARTICLE 1 The entire German youth within the borders of the Reich is organised in the Hitler Youth. ARTICLE 2 It is not only in home and school, but in the Hitler Youth as well that all of Germany's youth is to be educated, physically, mentally, and morally, in the spirit of National Socialism, to serve the nation and the racial community. ARTICLE 3 The task of educating the entire German youth is entrusted to the Reich Youth Leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He thus becomes the "Youth Leader of the German Reich." His office shall rank with that of a ministry. He shall reside in Berlin, and be responsible directly to the Fuehrer and Chancellor. ARTICLE 4 The administrative instructions and legal regulations necessary to implement and supplement this law shall be issued by the Fuehrer and Chancellor. Berlin, December 1, 1936 s. ADOLF HITLER Fuehrer and Chancellor